0.4.x to 0.5.x

  • Upgrade soya-next to 0.5.x and next to 5.x.x

    yarn add soya-next next@5
  • Add soya-next-server to start server in production environment

    yarn add soya-next-server
  • Move soya-next-scripts to devDependencies and upgrade it to 0.5.x

    yarn remove soya-next-scripts
    yarn add --dev soya-next-scripts
  • Remove styled-modules dependency from package.json and .babelrc

    yarn remove styled-modules
      "plugins": [
    -   "styled-modules/babel"
  • Update scripts in package.json:

      "scripts": {
    -   "analyze": "ANALYZE=1 soya-next-scripts build",
    +   "analyze": "BUNDLE_ANALYZE=both soya-next-scripts build",
    +   "analyze:browser": "BUNDLE_ANALYZE=browser soya-next-scripts build",
    +   "analyze:server": "BUNDLE_ANALYZE=server soya-next-scripts build",
    -   "start": "soya-next-scripts start",
    +   "dev": "soya-next-scripts dev",
    +   "start": "soya-next-server",
  • If you have custom document (pages/_document.js), include /_next/static/style.css into <head>:

    import Document, { Head, Main, NextScript } from "next/document";
    import config from "config";
    import htmlescape from "htmlescape";
    const __NEXT_CONFIG__ = { ...config };
    // exclude legacy and server config
    delete __NEXT_CONFIG__.legacy;
    delete __NEXT_CONFIG__.server;
    export default class extends Document {
      render() {
        const { __NEXT_DATA__ } = this.props;
        return (
              <Main />
                // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-danger
                  __html: `__NEXT_CONFIG__ = ${htmlescape(__NEXT_CONFIG__)}`
              <NextScript />

Last updated