Universal Environment Configuration

From soya-next-scripts@0.3.0 and later, environment configuration is embedded during runtime. Therefore, every changes made in the configuration will take effect immediately after restarting the server. It's the opposite of the earlier version which is embedded during compile time and need to be rebuilt before the changes took effect.

Creating Configuration Files

Environtment configuration in Soya Next is configured using node-config. To create one, you need to understand how it works first. By default, node-config will read all your configuration files defined in config directory relative to your Soya Next project root. It will read your configuration files with the following order:

(Finally, custom environment variables can override all files)


  • EXT can be yml, yaml, xml, coffee, cson, properties, json, json5, hjson or js depending on the format you prefer,

  • {instance} is an optional instance name string for Multi-Instance Deployments.

  • {short_hostname} is your server name up to the first dot, from the HOST or HOSTNAME environment variable or os.hostname() (in that order). For example if your hostname is www.example.com then it would load www.EXT.

  • {full_hostname} is your whole server name, you may use this when {short_hostname} collides with other machines.

  • {deployment} is the deployment name, from the NODE_ENV environment variable.

Please refer to this wiki for the full documentation.

Using Configuration Values

Suppose you have the following configuration at config/default.json:

  "key": "value"

You can access the configuration values by looking at the example below.

import config from "config";

// preferred method, because it make the configuration object immutable
console.log(config.get("key")); // "value"

console.log(config.key); // "value"

Please refer to this wiki for the full documentation.

Reserved Configuration Keys

The following are the configurations keys which are reserved:


  • Type: string

Prefix added to assets. It will fallback to basePath or basePath.test.


  • Type: string or { test: string, exclude: string|Array.<string> }

Base URL to which the app paths (assets, pages, static) are prefixed.


  • Type: string

The default locale used when no locale segment found in the url.


  "defaultLocale": "id-id",
  "siteLocales": ["id-id", "en-id"]


  • Type: Object.<Object>

Define custom routes.


  "routes": {
    "/p/:id": {
      "page": "/post"


  • Type: Object.<Object>

Redirect obsolete pages.


  • Redirect static routes

      "redirects": {
        "/tentang": {
          "to": "/about"
  • Redirect custom routes

      "redirects": {
        "/post/:id": {
          "to": "/p/:id"
      "routes": {
        "/p/:id": {
          "page": "/post"


  • Type: Array.<string>

All locales which is supported by your app.


  "defaultLocale": "id-id",
  "siteLocales": ["id-id", "en-id"]


  • Type: Object

  • Default: { "host": "", "port": 3000 }

For security reasons, the configuration within server won't get exposed/hydrated to the client. It should not be consumed by the client as well. So if you wanted to consume a secret, it'd be best to store it within server and ensure it only got consumed by the server.


  "server": {
    "secret1": "FIRST_SECRET_KEY",
    "secret2": "SECOND_SECRET_KEY",
    "secret3": "THIRD_SECRET_KEY"

Last updated